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3 Benefits Of Working In Colorado

3 Benefits of Working in Colorado

When you hear the word ‘Colorado’, the first things that pop into the mind include sunshine, mountains, hiking, and skiing. And although recreational activities are important, you need to be earning a decent living in order to enjoy all the good stuff the Coloradan nature has to offer, right?

Well, beautiful scenic views aren’t the only reason why the population of the Centennial State has been grown by more than 700,000 over the last decade. You see, Colorado is also one of the best states to start your career. Read on to learn about some of the lesser known benefits of working in Colorado.

A Rapidly Growing Economy

Colorado only ranks below North Dakota and Texas when it comes to the states with the fastest growing economies. Moreover, the Centennial State is also one of the best places in the United States to launch a tech startup. In fact, over 95 companies managed to rise over $683 in funding in 2015. The industries that have experienced the highest growth include retail trade, construction, mining, health services, education, and hospitality and leisure.

In addition to traditional industries, the city of Denver is also known as a hot-spot for creatives. Back in 2011, the state governor signed a bill that encourages “creative districts” and their development. Since then, eighteen certified creative districts have been developed in the state.

Denver Boasts a Great Public Transportation Infrastructure

Transportation Infrastructure

As the population of Colorado has increased, the need for a robust public transportation infrastructure has increased as well. And we’re glad to say that the state’s Department of Transportation has really stepped up.

With Lower Downtown Denver’s Union Station being renovated and reopened in 2014, the residents of the city’s suburbs can experience a quick and easy and commute on the light rail right to the city center.

A Relaxed Work Environment

Now, this isn’t to say that the employees in Colorado don’t work as hard as other states. However, there’s definitely a unique, healthy culture here which enables workers to take advantage of the beautiful outdoors.

Many enterprises – both big and small – offer flexible work schedules to their employees so they can focus on their well-being, and many even encourage their employees to get outside to relax and recharge.

Now Hiring Colorado offers a comprehensive list of the best employment opportunities from all over the state of Colorado. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking to relocate to the Centennial State for more lucrative career opportunities, we can help you find a job that’s perfectly suitable for you. You can check out our listings here.

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